Lucy Affolter

Proudly Sponsored By

Elevated Living
Instagram Handle alyssajxnes
Occupation or Current Study Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and disability support worker
Positions WD, GD
Biggest influence on your netball I was always a Sharks Layton fan growing up. However, being able to work closely alongside Leigh Waddington through my junior years was massively influential.
Greatest Netball Achievement Having the opportunity to represent SA in a few state teams is quite memorable for me.
What do you coaches tell you That I need to pick and choose my battles, sometimes I get a bit ball hungry
How would your team mates describe you Hard-working, competitive and a little bit clumsy
What advice would you give to Jets youngsters Keep working your hardest and pester your coaches for feedback; even if you think you’ve played the best game of your life


Goal Defence

Wing Defence

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